Apologies to anyone who was actually reading this blog- Rolf has not been inspired to write in quite some while, and you may have noticed he was carrying most of the weight.
Some updates: we are still in Paris! It looks like we will get the full two years, so although we don't have a set return date yet, end of February looks most likely. We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary (several times, although I was in the US and he was here on the actual date, which is somehow fitting, if you know our history).
We have been traveling a lot this year. Since I last posted in April, I've been to Philadelphia twice, Tokyo, New Orleans; Rolf and I have been to Berlin, Hong Kong, Provence, and the French Alpes. Hong Kong was hands down the most interesting and fun. Great food, great shopping, in a setting of both natural and man-made extremes. The French Alpes were the most beautiful. Just amazingly awesome, with fantastic riding. We were underwhelmed by Provence, but it rained that whole week, and it is pretty much an all-outdoors place.
The revelation of the year was getting a table so we could eat outside on our front balcony. Why didn't we think of that last year?? Other than a stretch of cold rainy days in early August, for most of the summer this has been the way to enjoy our corner of Paris.

(The Eiffel Tower is obscured in this picture, but is off on the top right corner)
As we count down the days remaining, now we're back into trying to make sure we see everything here while we can. I have a longer list of things to do, since Rolf spends time out in the city while I'm at work. He's leaving next weekend for a week of biking in Italy with two of our Philadelphia teammates, so maybe I'll have to hit the sites that he has been reluctant to do twice during his absence.