I have been shopping for weeks. I had in my mind the ultimate pair of boots, and of course nothing matches the ideal. I kept looking. Too short, too tall, heels too high, heels too low, too shiny, too lizardy, too pointy, too round, too suede-y, too much cuff, too tassely (pom poms hanging from your boots are big here), too everything. I tried several pairs on, and besides not being right, most of them were also too uncomfortable. Yuck. I quickly learned that I needed boots with a zipper, because the ones that pull on are much too baggy at the ankles. I do not have fat ankles, and do not want boots that make me look like I have fat ankels.
Rolf and I were out wandering around today in the 4e and the 11e, and I was ready to give up. Rolf wouldn't let me quit. Just a few more shops... and there they were. We found a shop that had Italian shoes and boots (always a good thing), and they had really nice boots. I tried the black ones on, and really liked them. Zip up (slender ankles), heel just right, a small strap/buckle on the back for interest, but not fru fru, classic with style. Yes. Rolf convinced me that they looked even better in brown. The leather had a really nice color. And brown with black clothing is all the rage.
Just right.

Wow, now I'm having Boot envy! I'd say buy a pair for me, but as I remember it, Europe wasn't into shoes big enough to cover my clodhoppers. Enjoy!!