Though it's officially still 4 days away yet, the temperatures here have definitely been winter-like. Then today, 2 things happened that cemented winter's unofficial official arrival.
1. It snowed. Snowfall in Paris, according to the locals, isn't a miracle event. But it also isn't an everyday winter occurrence. It started early this morning, before the nominal sunrise, and continued for much of the morning and early afternoon before kind of petering out. Since I'm not sure we'll get to see it again, I went out and took pictures, like a dork. It was fun.
2. Springerles magically arrived at our apartment. OK, so it wasn't magic-- my mother sent them. But the package's arrival was magical, nonetheless. If you don't know what these things are, don't read any further, so you don't know what you're missing. If you do know what they are, don't read any further, because you'll know what you're missing. Wait-- cancel that. Read further, so you get to see the picture.
Springerles are a German anise-flavored christmas cookie made with ridiculously intricate molds. My grandmother made them, and whether it was the anise (which I adore) or the fact that my grandmother (whom I adored) made them and sent them, with a cut apple in the tin to keep them moist, I developed an almost unnatural fondness for them. My other grandmother's cookies were also amazing, the Scandinavian butter cookies that could sustain a soul through 8 months of darkness. So I guess it was the anise, and the texture, that made these the best of a pretty amazingly good holiday variety. Anyway, my mom took up the whisk some time ago and makes a darn good, though definitely different, springerle. And either because she loves me, or because she knows I'll whine until next christmas if she doesn't, she sent a package of goodness my way. Maybe the best thing about it is that Karen has never really developed a taste for them, so they're all mine!
Anyway, their arrival says it's officially christmas season, so it must be winter.
Beautiful anisey goodness: springerles.
Hi Rolf: I love the tribute to Meme and her cookies. Reading your blog is enchanting. Happy holidays from your cousin.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kathy. Mom's springerles are more deserving of the enchanting label-- the only reason there'll be any left by Christmas is that we'll be gone for 5 days.
ReplyDeleteHappy holidays, yourself, and come visit us next year!